Saturday 4 June 2016

See 5 steps that will help you to become a successful student

Who is a student? According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of current English (AS Hornby) P.14841. A student is a person who is studying at a University or Collage.
2. A person who is studying at a school especially a secondary school.

3. A person who is very interested in a particular subject.
    Which ever definition you find appealing, you will readily cling to my idea that the sole purpose or main aim of every student (irrespective of the level) is to be successful (pass examinations and be better than their teachers).

    One must be aware that success and failure comes as a result of personal choice, and the degree of effort put into finding it. In this article we will discuss four (4) simple steps to academic success.
               STEP 1.Passion and a healthy attitude toward learning.
      It is hard to be motivated to do well in school, if you have a negative attitude toward learning. Every student needs to take up a positive attitude toward learning; as one can't benefit from something that doesn't interests him.
     A teenager ones said: "every year I pup up with low grades, I already explained to my parents that I don't like school. But they won't just let me quit." When you don't have passion for what you doing, you will never be moved to put extra effort into it. As a result you are bound to fail. However, to have a passion for certain school activities and class subjects may not always be easy. Why? Because not everything in your curriculum may seem relevant. Still, an education on a variety of subjects will enrich your understanding of the world around you. It will also give the ability to talk to people of various backgrounds. At the very least, you will improve your thinking ability-a skill that will be of great help to you in the future.
                STEP 2.Good study habits. 
     There is never a shortcut to success in school. Even if you cheat now and pass your examinations, sooner or later you will still need to study. Granted, that might have an unpleasant sound to the ears. However, there are arrays of benefit that results from studying. In fact with little effort you will find it enjoyable. The key to becoming a successful student is studying. Not just to study but regular and effective studying. (You may like to read the article "5 powerful tools that will aid you in studying effectively")
      We all know that success is not achieved in a day, but rather it is a product of everyday effort. The worlds great and successful people kept trying until the victory came, a good example is" Sir Isaac Newton" He never gave up until it was over. So it is for every student who is determined to succeed, he must hold on to his dreams without giving up.
              STEP 3.A positive view of your abilities.
     School can reveal hidden talents in you. Each of us has hidden talents. This abilities needs to be cultivated so that it would not lie dormant or go to waste. However your scholastic abilities are not directly bestowed upon you by God. Nevertheless, the abilities you have are unique to you. School can help you to discover and nurture abilities that you never thought you had. So in other to become a successful student, you will avoid setting yourself up for disaster by thinking that you are not capable of improving. But such thoughts will surely come around. What should you do then? Replace them with positive thoughts, this can go a long way in helping you to become a successful student.
           STEP 4.Discipline.
      This is the very aspect affects majority of student if not all. Discoveries have shown that 45% of failure in school comes as a result of indiscipline. One must have his thoughts in his palms. Always remember, you are a student for a reason ...why can't you just be whatever is required of you simply to get what you came for. A student named Clara ones said: "Some teachers are just so rude. I can't stand the sight of my mathematics teacher. When ever he comes to class I best want to disappear." Many other students feel as Clara does, but the truth is ...if you feel this way toward all your teachers you will end up not attending all classes, you know what will result from that -FAILURE!! Everyone deserves freedom. God did not just give us the gift of "free will" for nothing ... However every student who wants to be successful must have self discipline. Indiscipline bears laziness and procrastination. Those are the main causes of failure.
      In conclusion, by studying effectively you can succeed. But you and I know that everyone will not just succeed at the same time, but this fact does not prove you can not succeed if you are determined to be. As a student, if you strictly follow these four (4) steps discussed in this article, never again will you partake from the cup of failure.
Who is a student? According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of current English (AS Hornby) P.14841. A student is a person who is studying at a University or Collage.
2. A person who is studying at a school especially a secondary school.

3. A person who is very interested in a particular subject.
    Which ever definition you find appealing, you will readily cling to my idea that the sole purpose or main aim of every student (irrespective of the level) is to be successful (pass examinations and be better than their teachers).

    One must be aware that success and failure comes as a result of personal choice, and the degree of effort put into finding it. In this article we will discuss four (4) simple steps to academic success.
               STEP 1.Passion and a healthy attitude toward learning.
      It is hard to be motivated to do well in school, if you have a negative attitude toward learning. Every student needs to take up a positive attitude toward learning; as one can't benefit from something that doesn't interests him.
     A teenager ones said: "every year I pup up with low grades, I already explained to my parents that I don't like school. But they won't just let me quit." When you don't have passion for what you doing, you will never be moved to put extra effort into it. As a result you are bound to fail. However, to have a passion for certain school activities and class subjects may not always be easy. Why? Because not everything in your curriculum may seem relevant. Still, an education on a variety of subjects will enrich your understanding of the world around you. It will also give the ability to talk to people of various backgrounds. At the very least, you will improve your thinking ability-a skill that will be of great help to you in the future.
                STEP 2.Good study habits. 
     There is never a shortcut to success in school. Even if you cheat now and pass your examinations, sooner or later you will still need to study. Granted, that might have an unpleasant sound to the ears. However, there are arrays of benefit that results from studying. In fact with little effort you will find it enjoyable. The key to becoming a successful student is studying. Not just to study but regular and effective studying. (You may like to read the article "5 powerful tools that will aid you in studying effectively")
      We all know that success is not achieved in a day, but rather it is a product of everyday effort. The worlds great and successful people kept trying until the victory came, a good example is" Sir Isaac Newton" He never gave up until it was over. So it is for every student who is determined to succeed, he must hold on to his dreams without giving up.
              STEP 3.A positive view of your abilities.
     School can reveal hidden talents in you. Each of us has hidden talents. This abilities needs to be cultivated so that it would not lie dormant or go to waste. However your scholastic abilities are not directly bestowed upon you by God. Nevertheless, the abilities you have are unique to you. School can help you to discover and nurture abilities that you never thought you had. So in other to become a successful student, you will avoid setting yourself up for disaster by thinking that you are not capable of improving. But such thoughts will surely come around. What should you do then? Replace them with positive thoughts, this can go a long way in helping you to become a successful student.
           STEP 4.Discipline.
      This is the very aspect affects majority of student if not all. Discoveries have shown that 45% of failure in school comes as a result of indiscipline. One must have his thoughts in his palms. Always remember, you are a student for a reason ...why can't you just be whatever is required of you simply to get what you came for. A student named Clara ones said: "Some teachers are just so rude. I can't stand the sight of my mathematics teacher. When ever he comes to class I best want to disappear." Many other students feel as Clara does, but the truth is ...if you feel this way toward all your teachers you will end up not attending all classes, you know what will result from that -FAILURE!! Everyone deserves freedom. God did not just give us the gift of "free will" for nothing ... However every student who wants to be successful must have self discipline. Indiscipline bears laziness and procrastination. Those are the main causes of failure.
      In conclusion, by studying effectively you can succeed. But you and I know that everyone will not just succeed at the same time, but this fact does not prove you can not succeed if you are determined to be. As a student, if you strictly follow these four (4) steps discussed in this article, never again will you partake from the cup of failure.

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